Sunday, May 23, 2010

Coils, Coils and More Coils

Wow I have not been updating like I should be. Haven't really done many styles on my hair, just been rocking a puff or a wash and go eventually pulled back into a puff. But today I decided enough was enough. I sectioned off my hair spritzed it with some water and applied Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding section by section. I did some flat twists on each side and left the front middle undone. I finger coiled the rest of my hair and then finger coiled the front middle towards the front. I think my hair came out really nice and, I even got a few compliments on it. My hair kind of looks like I have dred locks or like I'm starting the lock process, who knows maybe I will leave my hair like this and keep tightening them and go ahead and lock my hair. Did I mention I am 3 months post BC, and I have no regrets I love the versatility of my hair in its natural state.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to find so many beautiful women rockin the natural! My group of Houstonian natural sisters and I are on journey to ring the opening day bell of the FIRST EVER The Nzuri Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Showcase, the city's biggest expo on natural hair, skin, health, and beauty.

    Follow us on FB, and come out to Houston if you can to help make this event even more monumental.!/NzuriHairShow
