So I am back on the road to fitness and step one is a pictorial food journal I figure what better way to keep track of whats going in my body than through pictures.
I am not a big breakfast eater which is a big weight loss no-no, but this morning after dropping the little one off at school I made myself eat breakfast.
I whipped out my GT Express and made the breakfast biscuit or whatever it is called. I shapped 2 biscuits in the shape of an oval topped it with egg beater eggs (seasoned with-- seasoning salt and minced onions) and precooked bacon closed the lid and went on with my day. After 8 minutes this what I was left with. In the picture it kind of looks funny but I assure you it tasted great.

I washed this down with an 8 ounce glass of Soy Chocolate Milk. This is the first time I have had the chocolate soy milk and I honestly couldn't taste a difference.
Calories: (Will update this section tonight)
Biscuits (2):
Egg Beaters:
Precooked Bacon (2 slices):
Chocolate Soy Milk (8oz):
AM Snack:
Fruit and Grain Cereal Bar
Lunch: I had a picture but no idea what happened to it. I had one hotdog with a bun ketchup and mustard. This is a big change for me seeing that I usually eat 2 hotdogs and slop on mustard ketchup relish and whatever else I can get my hands on. LOL!!

PM Snack: Red Grapes I lost count after 10 but these are low in calories and healthy so why count.

Dinner: I had 1 baked pork chop with homemade spaghetti. The pork chop was about 3 oz and I used whole wheat linguini noodles for the spaghetti, ground turkey ground beef, ragu mushroom and onion sauce diced tomatoes mushrooms.
Extra: Hey I think overall I did really well with my meals, I did however have three Chips Ahoy's, I love chocolate.